Monday, November 29, 2010

Collagen One

Product Information on Collagen One

What is Collagen?

  • A type of natural protein
  • Only humans and animals have collagen
  • In humans, it comprises up to 35%of the protein in the body
  • Found virtually everywhere in the body like skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, connective organ tissue, muscles, eyes, etc.
  • Over 70% of the dermis of the skin is Collagen
  • Maintains the firmness, smoothness, elasticity & radiance of skin - Keeps skin moist and supple
  • 90% of all Collagen falls under 4 major types:
  1. Collagen One: Skin, Tendons, Vascular, Ligature, Organs, Bone
  2. Collagen Two: Cartilage
  3. Collagen Three: Reticular Fibers - Eyes
  4. Collagen Four: Cell Basement Membrane

Loss of Collagen:

  • Starts around the age of 25
  • Around 1.5% of Collagen is lost every year
  • Causes age lines, sagging, wrinkles, pigmentation, eye-bags, etc.
  • Skin becomes less elastic, dry & dull
  • Wounds heal slower than before
  • Leads to weaker tendons, ligaments, bone, etc.

So how do we replenish Collagen inside our body?
  • Collagen is like cement - Building a house without cement makes it structurally unsound and fragile
  • Collagen can be found in many different kinds of animal skin - Chicken, Fish, Pig
  • Also found in beef tendons, Bird's Nest, Shark fins
  • Unfortunately, most of the collagen consumed from food has a big molecular structure, and is not easily absorbed by the body
  • Trying to gain collagen from food is also expensive, time consuming, and non-sustainable
  • Food collagen also contains other unhealthy substances - Fat, Oil, etc.
  • Body only utilizes 5% of food collagen

Benefits of consuming Collagen One:
  • Moisturizes skin and retains moisture for up to 18 hours
  • Increases radiance of skin
  • Improves elasticity of skin - reduces wrinkles, age lines, sagging, etc
  • Anti-oxidation effect
  • Prevents pigmentation
  • Helps in skin repair - reduce scars, wounds repair faster
  • Helps speed up rejuvenation rate and healing of the body
  • Helps boost immune system
  • Prevents oily skin
  • Also works to improve internal systems - tendons, connective organ tissue, bone, etc

Properties of Collagen One:
  • Safe, natural, water-soluble, no side effects
  • Bio-engineered to be easily absorbed and effectively utilized by the body
  • Certified by MasterChem Labs
  • Certified to be Halal
  • Made in Singapore and approved by local authorities

Collagen One has also made its way into Singapore's Her World magazine Dec 2010 Issue Pg 464

Collagen One Specifications:

Sachets Per Box: 30

Quantity Per Sachet: 5000mg

Contents: 100% Pure Fish Collagen

It is comparable with other competitive collagen brands be it in terms of collagen content and pricing.

Recommended Beverages to go with Collagen One:

  • Water
  • Fruit Juice
  • Milk
  • Soy Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Iced Tea (Any)
  • Milo (Powdered Form)
Directions for consumption:
  1. Ensure beverage is at room-temperature and below. (Recommended temperature should be lower than 45 degrees Celsius.)
  2. Pour contents into beverage of choice
  3. Stir well, until completely dissolves
  4. Enjoy!